I’m a little over two weeks into a depressive episode. According to my therapist, anyway. I’ve been a human slug, inching my way around my apartment, dramatically sighing and eating microwave meals and watching the dishes stack up in the sink.

You know the deal.

This, just two months after being hospitalized (can I just catch a break?). You’d think that all the intensive therapies, support groups, medication changes, and workbooks would have prevented this. But alas, here I am – sometimes depression manages to get a foot in the door despite your best efforts.

Sometimes when I’m entering into a depressive episode, I like to write down reminders that I want to hold onto as I go through it. They can be affirmations, reality checks, or words of wisdom.

Anything, really, to keep some perspective when I’m dealing with my episode. I try to write down the words I think I’ll need to hear as I struggle – because too often, we lose sight of the important stuff.

This time, I figured, why not share my list? And even better – encourage people to write their own.

Here are five of my own reminders to get us started.

1. Sometimes what’s best for us is the thing we resist the most.

I wrote about this recently in another article – how mental illness can encourage us to do the exact opposite of what we need to be doing. For example, my depression often urges me to stay in my apartment, even though going out into the world and socializing would actually boost my mood.

When you lack energy and motivation, and you don’t find the things you used to love as pleasurable as you once did, it can be damn near impossible to find a reason to do anything but curl up in bed.

Our instincts, clouded by the depression, often leave us opting for behaviors that are worsening our mood.

Some days, I am simply unable to move or participate in things. And that’s totally okay! It’s most important to be compassionate with ourselves and take care of ourselves.

But I’ve found that sometimes, telling myself to ignore my depressive instincts and do some self-care – even if it sounds unappealing, exhausting, or boring – really does help me.

You get to decide, ultimately, what’s feasible for you and what’s not. But it’s good to remind yourself that depression does not always have your best interest in mind.

2. Surviving depression involves being skeptical of 95% of your thoughts.

One of the best pieces of advice I’ve ever received was something like, “Not everything you think is true.” This is especially relevant advice when dealing with depression.

Too often we forget that depression doesn’t just impact how we feel, but it affects how we think.

Things like low self-esteem, pessimism, suicidal thoughts, catastrophizing, rumination, and harsh self-criticism are just a small slice of the impact that depression has on our thinking.

Which is to say, it’s important to approach our negative thinking with a certain amount of skepticism.

Some healthy questions worth asking yourself: (1) Have I always felt this way?, (2) How do I know, logically, that this is true?, (3) What advice would I give to a friend who struggled with this?, and (4) Could depression be impacting my feelings about this?

When I’m grappling with low self-esteem, for example, and I go down the shame spiral of feeling like I’m not worth anything to anyone, I can go through these questions.

No, I haven’t always felt this way. And logically, none of my friends have told me I’m not worth anything to them – quite the opposite. If my friend were struggling with this, I would encourage them to reach out to their friends and express how they’re feeling. And yes, it’s possible that depression is impacting this because I guess it’s neither permanent nor logical.

Sometimes the questions help, but sometimes I’m too depressed to think outside of my situation. Regardless, it’s one useful tool amongst many in my toolbox that I can call on any time, and it’s helped me to push back on a lot of the negative self-talk that is so typical of depression.

3. Asking for help is sometimes the most difficult but necessary thing we can do.

My recent breakdown required that I call on my friends and ask for their help despite desperately wanting to leave everyone out of it. And while in hindsight there’s a lot I would do differently, I can’t say for certain that I would be alive today if I hadn’t reached out.

Asking for help is really hard. I will never invalidate the very real fears that come with reaching out.

We’re afraid of the possible rejection we’ll face from others. We’re afraid of being burdens on the people we love. We’re afraid that we’ll push people away. We’re afraid of being ostracized by our communities. We’re afraid of being further stigmatized.

And sometimes, we’re just ashamed to say that we’re hurting. We don’t want others to see us when we’re vulnerable. We don’t want others to see us at our lowest. I can assure you that I know how that feels.

Reaching out when you’re struggling with a mental illness is complicated, and everyone’s situation is complex and different. I can’t tell you what the right road to recovery looks like for you.

But at the end of the day, I’d like to remind you of this: Your survival is critically important, your life holds value, and you deserve compassionate care that will help you through this struggle.

Often times, sadly, that care is only within reach when we ask for it. And often times, that care is not just optional – it’s necessary if we are going to survive.

As I navigate recovery, I’m grateful every single day that there were people in my life there to help me. I would’ve died a long time ago if they hadn’t been.

I don’t know your situation, but I will say that I hope you are able to find the support that you need – even if it’s scary to ask, your life and your happiness are worth it.

4. None of this is your fault. None of it.

Damn, this one is too real.

Sometimes when I’m depressed, I get caught in this loop of self-blame that seems never-ending. If I had done this differently, if I just pushed harder, if I had better coping skills, if I went to more groups, if I did this, or that, or this, or that… apparently depression would disappear by sheer effort alone.

That’s not how it works. Depression isn’t a matter of willpower. Deep down, I think most, if not all of us understand that.

…but this is kind of incredible, right? Because part of my profession is knowing stuff about mental health, so you’d think I’d get the message by now. But depression shows up, and suddenly everything I know about mental health goes out the window and I’m punishing myself for something beyond my control.

I would never go up to someone with mental illness and say, “You need to try harder.” But apparently I’ll tell myself that twenty times a day?

(See, this is what I mean about being skeptical of your thoughts.)

So here’s the reminder for that inevitable moment that I fall back into that unending loop: It’s. Not. Your. Fault.

If it were a matter of willpower, the depression would be gone by now. If you could do something more, you would’ve already been doing it. No one chooses their depression.

But if you’re looking to make life changes to address your depression, I do have some advice. Make changes in the name of self-care – not in the name of self-blame. Because yes, you deserve a lot of care right now and no, you don’t deserve the blame.

5. It is impossible to know what the future will look like.

When I’m deep in a depressive episode, I find myself saying – with complete and total conviction – that nothing will ever get better, that my future is empty, that I will always struggle, that there’s nothing worth living for.

(Pro-tip: Words like “nothing,” “never,” “always” – or any words that exist in an “all or nothing” framework – are really big red flags. Folks dealing with depression often think in absolutes, which can feed into the hopelessness that we’re already feeling.)

As someone who both struggles with mental illness AND regularly supports people who do, I see it time and time again.

We’re deeply depressed, and then we’ve convinced ourselves we already know what the future looks like – despite the reality that none of us could possibly know.

Remember that skepticism I talked about? We’ve got to utilize it here above all else. Because our feelings about the future can drive our depression.

It’s so important to remember that you can’t know what the last page of a book says if you’re only in the middle of the book.

It makes perfect sense that, when we’re depressed, we see the future as being hopeless. But it’s impossible in any given moment to predict the outcome of our lives, no matter how despondent and awful our present moment might be.

The future is always unknowable. I’ve learned this the hard way many times, when I made rash decisions to harm myself under the assumption that nothing would get better, and later regretted it as I discovered that the future was not as predictable as I thought.

To be clear, I’m not asking any depressed person to remain hopeful about a future that they can’t see. Hope is a feeling that depression often robs us of.

But I am asking depressed folks to consider not making decisions based on a future they’ve assumed will happen, and instead, try to deal with the present, one day at a time.

It is possible that things will not get better. None of us can know for sure. But it’s also possible that they will. And I sincerely believe that every one of us deserves the opportunity to find out – and the tools to make that future as bright as possible.

On the days when I am crumbling under the weight of depression, and the future seems utterly hopeless, I try to remind myself of the many times I counted myself out, only to discover that there was something in the future that was waiting for me – something I never saw coming.

This may sound cheesy, but I had people to meet, and places to travel to, and articles to write, and communities to be a part of. I couldn’t have imagined these things in my life, but now I can’t imagine my life without it.

If there’s only one reminder that you take from this list, it’s this: There is a life for you beyond depression. 

And I’d like to believe that there’s one for every one of us.




  1. Wonderful post, very well written… My first love struggled with depression and manic episodes. It will always haunt me that I never understood what was going on and said all the wrong things (snap out of it, etc). In my defence, I was 21 and he didn’t understand what was going on himself… He ended up hospitalised for bipolar disorder, but only after our relationship had stranded after 2 roller coaster years. I don’t know how he is doing now. I will forever be wondering what had happened had he not been sick or had I handled it better. Wishing you all the strength in the world 💚

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Another great post! Your contribution and outtake on Depression and living with mental illness is real. Real as in honest and accurate. Human.
    “When I’m deep in a depressive episode, I find myself saying – with complete and total conviction – that nothing will ever get better, that my future is empty, that I will always struggle, that there’s nothing worth living for.” – This right here reminds me of something my mother says (she lives with Bipolar II), “Wait for the moment to pass because it will. Just wait.” In response I have written, “I wait a thousand moments waiting for the moment to pass.” In the end, it does pass. We have to ride it out. When we come out on the other side, don’t blame yourself for the stuff you missed out on. You are here, now. This is what counts. Enjoy your moments within the moments. Affirm you are beautiful because you are.
    Reading this article in this moment, opened a box of inspiration for me. Thank-you for that! Have a great Friday. Stay beautiful!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Thanks, Sam. These are great reminders and I have several friends in the cyber world who have been having depressive episodes lately and writing about it very well too. Your practice of writing down such reminders when the episode starts can, i’m sure, help many. And, the one about the unknowable future is vital wisdom for all. I hope the episode is a short one.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Thanks for writing this. Your musings are significantly accurate. This was lightly touched upon but something that I tend to emphasize in my mind when I’m down is that this isn’t a rational issue. That is, logic alone cannot help you. We spend so much of our lives acquiring knowledge and striving to earn good marks, which requires our critical thinking faculties and sound reasoning. Depression, in a way, knows no bounds and it’s because of this that we become so easily duped, again and again. As you have said, that’s why reaching out to others can be paramount to one’s recovery.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. It’s important for me, as someone who loves a person who struggles with depression, to read things like this post. It acts as a guide post to HOW someone can help or be supportive.

    Your #2 item is something I’ve employed in the past. “My reality/my observation is …” and let them take it or leave it. But it suggests that their thoughts/views through the depressive lens at that moment in time are not necessarily the ONLY way of seeing things.

    Thank you for sharing – very valuable stuff here.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Thanks for this, Sam, you’re right on (as usual). I used to have a bumper sticker that read, “Don’t believe everything you think”. Unfortunately, that’s a lot harder than it seems. I recently underwent a new kind of treatment for depression and have had amazing results. It’s a non-invasive treatment called Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation, or TMS. It’s specifically for treatment-resistant depression. I highly recommend people look into it if they have major depression.

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  7. Ugh sorry you’re depressed. It sucks so bad.

    Lesson learned from my own current bout with the Black Dog: only eat microwave meals that come in their own containers. No dishes in the sink! If I’m not going to wash them anyway, then I’m not going to set myself up to fail, when I already feel like a failure in so many ways. At least this is something I can control!

    Strange, the things depression teaches a person….

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Very aptly expressed narrative. The struggle is everyday…self-doubt is at stand-by and its hope that keeps us going. To live a better life one day.. Loved the first point specifically, ‘what’s best for us is the thing we resist the most’… Been there, done that! So really could relate. Keep going, Sam

    Liked by 1 person

  9. You are so damned awesome. Can I repost? I’m coming out of a bad depression bout just when I thought I had my mental illness under control. I’ve been so proactive on my self-care but depression snuck back in. It’s freaking crazy how that works. Yesterday I abruptly took off for a drive. I couldn’t handle life. I didn’t want to live anymore. I was hysterical but came to my senses and pulled over. I haven’t felt like this for a long time. And death thoughts have been eating at me for weeks. I couldn’t chase them away. I was ashamed to tell anyone. Everything that was going on in my mind is explained in your post. The best thing I did was text my man and told him to meet me because I needed help. Maybe all my therapy pushed me to do it. I’ve never asked for help like that before. I’m so thankful I contacted him. I seriously though that I was hospital bound. I was so damned scared. Once I met up with my hubby I confessed everything and we talked for hours in the car. Asking for help felt like I tossed him the life rope and he hoisted me out of the pit. Today I feel free. There is something huge about confession and trust. I haven’t had time to blog about this yet. I put off so much business work during depression and today I’m catching up. I only had time for a short post. And this is my coffee break. 🙂 Everything you say here is spot on. I love what you’re doing. You’re writing style is beautiful. Thank you for being brave and true. I’m going to keep post on hand to catch myself from darkness again. ❤

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    1. I am SO happy that you reached out for help and that you’re navigating these troubled waters with so much skill and strength! You are more than welcome to repost and I’m so glad that you could find this article to keep with you. Thanks so much for sharing your story. ❤

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  10. Wow this was brilliant to read, I my self am waiting for a diagnosis of personality disorder and bipolar. ive been suffering since a teenager but never hit help, until last year with my husbands help.I’ve so far been waiting over a year for councling. I’ve recently started a blog my self on how how cope while trying to juggle children, etc. I would love to repost this and share. I’m new to blogging and if you could possibly gave time to read my few posts so far give me some feedback that would be wonderful.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You are more than welcome to repost and share! I’m so happy that it could resonate with you. I’m not able to give feedback right now as I’m swamped with work (I work full-time on top of this blog, it’s a mess!), but I am sure that whatever you do will be great because your heart is in it. ❤

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  11. Thank you so much. Does anyone know of online support groups or other help services which check in on you or remind you it matters to do normal daily stuff when you only want to curl up and die. I am high functioning at work/in public but falling apart having a very hard time waking up, showering, eating actual food, etc etc. I think I need to find a new therapist.

    Sam, I also want to say thank you so much, I have struggled for years and years and years and much of the stuff online about depression is unrealistic, saccharine, watered down, makes you fell more inadequate, disregards issues that face regular people who don’t have family/ friend/ partner support. It’s almost like unless you have the knife to your throat or the gun to your head at that moment, then it’s not that bad and they expect you to work through your problems by will power and positive thinking. CBT is really really really hard if you are by yourself. So many people are alone without a support system and YOURS IS THE ONLY ONLINE RESOURCE I have ever seen that TRULY and HONESTLY acknowledges that a person may not have an IRL support system to ask for help. It just makes you feel like bigger failure that you have no one to ask.

    Love, kindness, and compassion for everyone,

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